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sabato 30 settembre 2006

Total Metal Festival #4

NecroDeath + HighLord + Rain + DGM + Back Jumper + Sudden Death + Adimiron + Disguise
Ingraved + Motherly Sin + DewFall + Subliminal Fear + Khaosphere + Reality Grey 
Noicattaro (Ba) - 30/09/2006

sabato 23 settembre 2006

Darrel Festival

Furere + Clinicamente Morti + HopeSend + Burning Seas
Kaotica + Black Rose + Ushuaia + Gualeve + D-Side
Taranto - 23/09/2006

venerdì 15 settembre 2006

Reality Grey -Darkest Days Are Yet to Come- (2006)

Reality Grey -Darkest Days Are Yet to Come- (2006)

sabato 9 settembre 2006

venerdì 7 luglio 2006

Poisoned Skrotum -split cd- (2006)

The track is taken from the 3-way split cd
Poisoned Skrotum/Veneral Disease/Mixomatosis, made in 2006 for Coyote records
(Bullshit Tradition - Bloody Ways)

giovedì 1 giugno 2006

Osian -The Slow Fade of Loving Things- (2006)

venerdì 14 aprile 2006